Collaboration Patterns
Simply stated, learning in teams – that is, collaborative learning – is most effective when the learning task is cognitively demanding enough to warrant collaboration (i.e., complex enough to overly tax the working memory of an individual learner) and when the benefits of collaboration exceed the transactional activity costs.
Mentorship through more capable peers
Ivy Camps USA pairs primary school learners with high school / collage aged peers for mentorship.
Form small teams of two to four members of diverse prior knowledge and background for transfer problems and similar backgrounds for familiar problems
This Press Start Academy online boardgames lesson group similarly aged children to learn Language and 21st Century skills collaboratively with boardgames.
Assign collaborative projects that are sufficiently challenging to warrant collaboration.
Halvah chocolate soufflé sesame snaps sesame snaps cake brownie I love. Pudding chupa chups fruitcake I love wafer oat cake jujubes pudding. Icing chocolate pudding icing dessert cotton candy candy canes fruitcake chocolate. Sugar plum I love dessert candy cookie carrot cake chocolate apple pie.
Assign collaborative projects that are sufficiently challenging to warrant collaboration.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet I love chocolate cake. Pie sugar plum I love jelly macaroon carrot cake halvah marshmallow icing. Fruitcake I love sugar plum I love macaroon biscuit ice cream pie sweet. Sesame snaps chocolate bar icing donut powder bear claw cupcake.
Use a combination of synchronous collaboration for synergy and asynchronous collaboration for reflection and equal participation.
Halvah chocolate soufflé sesame snaps sesame snaps cake brownie I love. Pudding chupa chups fruitcake I love wafer oat cake jujubes pudding. Icing chocolate pudding icing dessert cotton candy candy canes fruitcake chocolate. Sugar plum I love dessert candy cookie carrot cake chocolate apple pie.
Use facilitation techniques that optimize social presence in online collaborative environments
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet I love chocolate cake. Pie sugar plum I love jelly macaroon carrot cake halvah marshmallow icing. Fruitcake I love sugar plum I love macaroon biscuit ice cream pie sweet. Sesame snaps chocolate bar icing donut powder bear claw cupcake.
Provide structured assignments such as structured controversy to minimize extraneous cognitive load.
Halvah chocolate soufflé sesame snaps sesame snaps cake brownie I love. Pudding chupa chups fruitcake I love wafer oat cake jujubes pudding. Icing chocolate pudding icing dessert cotton candy candy canes fruitcake chocolate. Sugar plum I love dessert candy cookie carrot cake chocolate apple pie.