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Multimedia Principle

People Learn from words plus pictures together than words alone!

Use relevant graphics to accompany text for novices

An annotated CrashCourse visual representing the structure of the skin.

multimedia principle, relevance, CrashCourse.png

Use animations to demonstrate procedures or to illustrate abstract ideas; Use a series of stills to illustrate processes

Animation from TED-ED demonstrating how the pyramids were constructed.

multimedia principle, process grapahic, TED-Ed.png

Use animations to demonstrate procedures or to illustrate abstract ideas; Use a series of stills to illustrate processes

Step by step animation from 365datascience demonstrating the agglomerate clustering process. 

multimedia principle, process, 365datascience.gif

Use cueing devices such as color or arrows to direct attention in complex graphics or animations

This Animagraffs visual demonstrating how engines work.

multimedia principle, signaling, Animagraffs.png

Use explanatory visuals that show relationships among content topics to build deeper understanding

Twig Education uses mindmaps to show relationship between topics.

multimedia principle, relational graphic, Twig.png

Use transformational graphics (animations and stills) to show changes over time

A Boxlaps time-laps video showing plant growth

multimedia principle, process graphics, Boxlapse.png

Use interpretive graphics to explain how a system works or to illustrate abstract ideas

This animation showing how interests flow between banks.

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